Explore, download, and stay updated with the latest deliverables crafted to keep the project on track.
D1.2 – KPI analysis of technologies and pilots operations
Gain insights into the performance metrics of cutting-edge technologies and pilot projects.
D2.1 – Report on the final selection of PCM materials for solution I-III
Explore the comprehensive evaluation and final selection of Phase Change Materials for innovative solutions.
D2.2 – Report on the characterization of the pre-selected materials for solution I-III
Dive into the detailed analysis and properties of materials pre-selected for advanced solutions.
D2.3 – Report on the selection of TCM materials for solution IV and the characterization
Discover the top-performing Thermochemical Materials and their rigorous characterization process.
D8.1 – Baseline Communication Package
Unveiling the foundational tools and strategies for seamless project communication.
D9.2 – Risk and contingency management plan
Navigate the project’s risk landscape with a robust plan for contingency and mitigation.